+49(0)8341/809050 Head Office Kaufbeuren
+49(0)8341/809050 Stammhaus Kaufbeuren

Container for long goods

Our long goods containers are based on special sea containers with an external length of 7.15 metres. These are ideal for storing bars and raw materials with a length of 6 metres.

However, steel swap bodies with a length of 7.15 or 7.45 metres can also be used as long goods containers. However, as these are usually fitted with a roller shutter instead of hinged doors, it is more difficult to additionally secure the roller shutter.

The containers intended for storage can also be modified on request:

  • Installation of lighting / basic electrical installation
  • Installation of additional ventilation openings

Customised shelving

We also offer customised cantilever racking and wide span racking. The shelving can be used universally for storage. The boltless plug-in system enables quick and uncomplicated assembly and disassembly of the shelving. Stability is achieved by bracing beams.

Our shelving is "Made in Germany". This means that spare parts, extension shelves and shelves in other lengths and heights can always be supplied at short notice.

Safety lock

To take account of the high value of the stored materials, we recommend the use of additional security equipment. Although the standard locking bars of the container doors can be secured with shackle locks, the shackles of the locks are quite unprotected.

Our container security locks are suitable for this purpose. The solid designs, some with VdS certification, prevent easy access to the containers. Further information on these security locks can be found here.

7.15m sea container - for 6m rod/pipe material

ca. L 7,15m x B 2,44m x H 2,59m

Depending on availability

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Long goods containers with an internal length of 6,980 mm
Long goods containers with lighting and cantilever racking on both sides
Long goods container with lighting and wide-span shelving on both sides
Long goods container equipped with lighting, cantilever racking and wide-span racking